Monday, July 13, 2009

Oven-Baked Pancake!

There are a few things that I should probably explain about this blog so as not to get anyone's hopes up.

#1: I am not a chef. Nor do I claim to be anything even remotely close.

#2: I am very crappy at taking pictures. I leave the picture-taking up to my friend Katie.

#3: I have the absolute pickiest eater for a husband. Do not be annoyed if I have to completely tweak an entire recipe or omit awesome, amazing, fantastic ingredients to suit his tastebuds. Believe me, I've lost many a dyed hair wondering why on earth he insists that he hates mushrooms when he can't for the life of himself figure out that they're in my ultimate pork chop gravy recipe. But shhh. He doesn't need to know.

The first recipe I tried after delving into the foodie blog world was my friend Miranda's Oven-Baked Pancake recipe. (You can click on her name for the link)

I was home one day by myself~ something that happens maybe once or twice a year~ and decided that it was high time I treated myself to something really yummy and just for me. I followed her directions to a tee, and boy oh boy did this make one ginormous pancake!! The pan I used to cook it in was one of the biggest I own, and the pancake not only filled the entire bottom, but crept up the sides of the pan and did a fun swan dive thing back down into the center. It was glorious. To fill it, I took a bag from the freezer of mixed fruit (strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries), and heated them on the stove until the fruit was nice and bubbly. I scooped the hot fruit into the center of the pancake, rolled it up like a burrito and dusted powdered sugar all over the top. Holy cow so good.

Here's a picture:

Now as you can tell, I'm not very photograph savvy (see #2 warning above). Nor was I really thinking artistically when I took this picture (see paper plate, splashes of batter and powdered sugar sieve). In actuality, I'd eaten half the pancake before I even remembered that I wanted to take a picture to prove to Miranda that I'd actually made it. So there you go :)


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